Anne Louise MacDonald
Anne Louise MacDonald was born with a passion for horses and a vivid imagination. She retired in 2015 from a lifetime of working with animals. Her days are now spent enjoying her two horses and her raggedy black dog, painting, creating driftwood sculptures … and writing.
She had three well received picture books published early on. Then her first YA novel, The Ghost Horse of Meadow Green, became an international best seller and is printed in five languages. Seeing Red is a companion book, second in her ‘Hug a Horse Farm’ series, which continued with horses, kids with real-life problems and a bit of the paranormal. She also published the non-fiction self-illustrated My Natural Horses.
Over the years she has presented writing workshops for children and adults, and participated in many writing festivals and conference presentations. She is currently entertaining one on one writers retreats at her hobby farm in beautiful Antigonish County.
Nanny-Mac’s Cat -Ragweed Press 1995
The Memory Stone -Ragweed Press 1998, Nimbus 2002
The Dog Wizard -Ragweed Press 1999
The Ghost Horse of Meadow Green -Kids Can Press, 2005
Seeing Red -Kids Can Press, 2009
My Natural Horses -Hug a Horse Farm, 2009
AWARDSNominated for the 2006 Snow Willow Award; ‘The Ghost Horse of Meadow Green’
Shortlisted for the 1999 Ann Connor Brimer Award for Children’s Literature; ‘The Memory Stone’
Our Choice selection, Canadian Children’s Book Centre; ‘The Memory Stone’
Resource Links The Year’s Best list; ‘The Memory Stone’
Our Choice selection, Canadian Children’s Book Centre; ‘The Dog Wizard’
Our Choice selection, Canadian Children’s Book Centre; ‘Nanny-Mac’s Cat’
Resource Links The Year’s’ Best list; ‘Nanny-Mac’s Cat’