Anne C. Kelly
Anne C. Kelly has loved to read and write for as long as she can remember. Her first publication was a class newspaper which she wrote with a friend in Grade four. She especially enjoys reading historical fiction and books about characters who discover who they really are after going through challenges in life.
Anne is an English teacher at heart. She taught English-as-an-Additional-Language (EAL) to adult newcomers to Canada for over twenty years. She loves learning about different cultures and traditions. She always says that she learned more from her students than they ever learned from her!
Anne’s first novel, Jacques’ Escape, was published by Trap Door Books in June 2019. Jacques’ Escape, which tells the story of a fourteen-year-old Acadian boy who is deported with his family to Massachusetts in 1755, is a middle reader for children aged 9-12. It was shortlisted for the 2020-21 Hackmatack Children’s Choice Book Award.
Jacques’ Escape Trap Door Books (Nevermore Press) 2019
“A Sigh and a Wish” Inside: Thoughts from a Pandemic (Nevermore Press) 2022
“Peggy and the Thief” Beyond Time and Place ((Linden Hill Publishing) 2004
AWARDSNomination for Hackmatack Children’s Choice Award 2021
Joyce Barkhouse Writing for Children Prize 2001