Contact Us
902 423 8116
902 422 0881 (fax)
Regular Office Hours
Monday – Friday
10 am – 3 pm
1113 Marginal Road
Halifax, NS
B3H 4P7
WFNS staff members administer and promote all programs and services through a mutually supportive & collaborative team approach. However, individual staff members lead the key areas outlined below. Please contact a specific staff member when possible but, if unsure who to contact, email
Andy Verboom
Program Manager
(Membership Services)
- Digital and print communications (print matter, Subtext member newsletter, and website)
- E-commerce (registration, program fees, and gift shop purchases)
- General and Writers’ Council membership (accounts, applications, dues, profiles, and subscriptions)
- Programs: Coffee Chats; Ellemeno Visual Literature Prize; Jampolis Cottage Residency Program; Manuscript Review Program; Message on a Bottle
- Resources
- Workshops
Dea Toivonen
Outreach & Social Coordinator
- Author spotlights
- Equity and accessibility
- Program: Emerging Writers Prizes
- Social media
Linda Hudson
Program Manager
(Arts Education)
- Peer assessment
- Programs: Alistair MacLeod Mentorship Program; Nova Writes
- Youth programs: Creative Writing Day Camps; Writers In The Schools
Oriana Duinker
Executive Director
- Event bookings at 1113 Marginal Rd
- Media inquiries
- Operations (donor relations, endowments, fundraising, investments, and partnerships)
- Policies and practices
- Program: Nova Scotia and Atlantic Book Awards
- Recurring events
- Writers’ talks, panels, and meet-ups